
I would like to extract the date a jpg file was created. Java has the lastModified method for the File object, but appears to provide no support for extracting the created date from the file. I believe the information is stored within the file as the date I see when I hover the mouse pointer over the file in Win XP is different than what I can get by using JNI with "dir /TC" on the file in DOS.

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The information is stored within the image in a format called EXIF or link text. There several libraries out there capable of reading this format, like this one


The date is stored in the EXIF data in the jpeg. There's a java library and a viewer in java that might be helpful.

I use this metadata library:

Seems to work pretty well, although bear in mind that not all JPEG images have this information, so it can't be 100% fool-proof.

If the EXIF metadata doesn't contain the created date, then you'll probably have to make do with Java's lastUpdated - unless you want to resort to Runtime.exec(...) and using system functions to find out (I wouldn't recommend this, though!)

The code example below asks the user for a file path and then outputs the creation date and time:


public class Main {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        try {
            // get runtime environment and execute child process
            Runtime systemShell = Runtime.getRuntime();
            BufferedReader br1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            System.out.println("Enter filename: ");
            String fname=(String)br1.readLine();
            Process output = systemShell.exec("cmd /c dir /a "+fname);
             // open reader to get output from process
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(output.getInputStream()));

            String out="";
            String line = null;

            int step=1;
             while((line = br.readLine()) != null ) 
                 }          // display process output

            out=out.replaceAll(" ","");
            System.out.println("CreationDate: "+out.substring(0,10));
            System.out.println("CreationTime: "+out.substring(10,15));
            catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException se)
                System.out.println("File not found");
          catch (IOException ioe){ System.err.println(ioe); }
          catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace();}

You probably need something to access the exif data. Google suggests this library.

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