
I'm trying to implement some inline assembler (in C/C++ code) to take advantage of SSE. I'd like to copy and duplicate values (from an XMM register, or from memory) to another XMM register. For example, suppose I have some values {1, 2, 3, 4} in memory. I'd like to copy these values such that xmm1 is populated with {1, 1, 1, 1}, xmm2 with {2, 2, 2, 2}, and so on and so forth.

Looking through the Intel reference manuals, I couldn't find an instruction to do this. Do I just need to use a combination of repeated MOVSS and rotates (via PSHUFD?)?

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There are two ways:

  1. Use shufps exclusively:

    __m128 first = ...;
    __m128 xxxx = _mm_shuffle_ps(first, first, 0x00); // _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)
    __m128 yyyy = _mm_shuffle_ps(first, first, 0x55); // _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)
    __m128 zzzz = _mm_shuffle_ps(first, first, 0xAA); // _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)
    __m128 wwww = _mm_shuffle_ps(first, first, 0xFF); // _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)
  2. Let the compiler choose the best way using _mm_set1_ps and _mm_cvtss_f32:

    __m128 first = ...;
    __m128 xxxx = _mm_set1_ps(_mm_cvtss_f32(first));

Note that the 2nd method will produce horrible code on MSVC, as discussed here, and will only produce 'xxxx' as result, unlike the first option.

I'm trying to implement some inline assembler (in C/C++ code) to take advantage of SSE

This is highly unportable. Use intrinsics.


Move the source to the dest register. Use 'shufps' and just use the new dest register twice and then select the appropriate mask.

The following example broadcasts the values of XMM2.x to XMM0.xyzw


If your values are 16 byte aligned in memory:

movdqa    (mem),    %xmm1
pshufd    $0xff,    %xmm1,    %xmm4
pshufd    $0xaa,    %xmm1,    %xmm3
pshufd    $0x55,    %xmm1,    %xmm2
pshufd    $0x00,    %xmm1,    %xmm1

If not, you can do an unaligned load, or four scalar loads. On newer platforms, the unaligned load should be faster; on older platforms the scalar loads may win.

As others have noted, you can also use shufps.

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