
I have coded myself into a corner. Does anyone know the answer? Thanks!

Was it helpful?


This will work also:



document.title = 'new value';

Is this not working for you?


$(document).ready(function() {
    this.title = 'foo'

Maybe this will help you:

$(document).attr('title', 'new title');

$('title').text("Boo"); is not good idea because IE8 has problem with that.
this bug is reported Here but jQuery developers did not solve that and their solution is Use document.title='Boo';.

my idea is that

  1. using document.title is best option and it is cross browser solution
  2. but if you are used to use jQuery you can use $(document).attr('title', 'new title');. i tested it and has no problem with major browsers and IE8
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