wpf - how can I create a dependency between expander inside datagrid and one of datagridrow properties

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2417839


This is a general question. And may not be specific to datagrids. How can i related 2 properties or 2 different UI Elements/controls

Like Each datagridRow has an Expander and i want the IsExpanded property to be dependent on datagridrow selected event .

Thank you

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A relative source binding can be used to bind two properties without referring to the source element by name. This is especially useful is styles.

Here's an example of a ListBox with items that expand when selected.

                IsExpanded="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=ListBoxItem}, Path=IsSelected}">
                    Text="{Binding}" />



When I need a fancy binding, I regularly use a cheat sheet posted by Nir on his blog and referenced in the StackOverflow question Is there a WPF Cheat Sheet outhere?.

Here's the cheat sheet direct link.

If you ever read this, thanks Nir.

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