
Using C++ and OLE, how might I go about obtaining the ID of the worksheet that is currently in focus?

For example, I have the following code:

    Variant excelSheets;
    Variant excelSheet;

    excelSheet= excelSheets.OlePropertyGet("Item", 1);

I would like to add a sheet and then get the sheet that was just added so that I may add content. The above code only works if the user doesn't shift focus away from the sheet which is at the far left.


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I ended up using OlePropertyGet( "ActiveSheet" ); because when you add a sheet it becomes the ActiveSheet and you can work with it from there. I put an example of what I did below:

    Variant excelApp;
    Variant excelBooks; 
    Variant excelWorkBook; 
    Variant excelSheet; 
    Variant excelSheets;

        mExcelApp = Variant::GetActiveObject("Excel.Application");
    catch(EOleSysError& e)
        mExcelApp = Variant::CreateObject("Excel.Application"); //open excel

    mExcelApp.OlePropertySet("ScreenUpdating", true);
    excelBooks = mExcelApp.OlePropertyGet("Workbooks");
    excelWorkBook = excelBooks.OlePropertyGet("Item",1);

    // a worksheet is added which becomes the active sheet
    excelSheets.OleProcedure( "Add" );
    excelSheet = excelWorkBook.OlePropertyGet( "ActiveSheet" );
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