
I'm looking for a good way to check a number that a user has entered for correct position of optional commas.

For example

1,000,000.00 = correct
1000000      = correct
1,00,000.00  = incorrect
,100,000     = incorrect

So it looks like I need to check to see that there is at least one number to the left and 3 numbers to the right of the comma, or is there a RegEx way to do this?

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What are you going to use this for? Or put another way, why care? Why not just strip out all commas and convert it to a numeric type?



Check out this website:

Here's the code snippet:

String.prototype.commafy = function () {
    return this.replace(/(^|[^\w.])(\d{4,})/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
        return $1 + $2.replace(/\d(?=(?:\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$&,");

Number.prototype.commafy = function () {
    return String(this).commafy();

What you can do is replace all commas and then use this code to add in the commas yourself.

Hope that helps.

Here’s a pattern that answers your question. There are also many other number-related patterns there, including ones that are maintainable — something no one ever seems to worry about.

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