
how can I get reference to current SqlConnection or Sqlconnection in config?

I found

and code

 private string GetSqlConnection()
            IConfigurationSource config = GetConfigSource();

            IConfiguration db2 = config.GetConfiguration(typeof(ActiveRecordBase));

            string conn = string.Empty;

            foreach (IConfiguration child in db2.Children)
                if (child.Name == "connection.connection_string")
                    conn = child.Value;

            return conn;

But I cant understand where I can find "GetConfigSource" implementation? Is this standart Castle helper function or not?

I use these namespaces

using Castle.ActiveRecord;
using NHibernate.Criterion;
using NHibernate;
using Castle.Core.Configuration;
using Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework;
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Solution 4

I had to doanload AR sources from svn to solve it.

It means

System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("activerecord") as IConfigurationSource;


var sfimpl = ActiveRecordMediator.GetSessionFactoryHolder()
IDbConnection conn = ((ISessionFactoryImplementor)sfimpl)

I use it like this in my project:

 public static MySqlConnection GetConnection()
        if (_session == null)
            _session = ActiveRecordMediator.GetSessionFactoryHolder().CreateSession(typeof(ActiveRecordBase));
        var connection = (MySqlConnection)_session.Connection;
        if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
        //var connection = new MySqlConnection(Connstr);
        return connection;

    public static void CloseActiveIsession()
        if (_session != null)

The method I found to get the string was:

    public static string GetConnectionString() {
        using (var session = ActiveRecordMediator
            return session.Connection.ConnectionString;

This may be inefficient to open a session to get the connection string. Is there another place to find it?

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