jQuery & PHP - Update current table view with the next records automatically when record(s) in existing view are deleted

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2018592

  •  19-09-2019
  •  | 



PHP, mySQL & jQuery


I have a Database table. Within my application, I am able to fetch all the rows. When I am querying the database, I have set the records fetch limit as 30, but that can be changed via a dropdown list. So consider that I am fetching upto 30 rows of data in a single query and displaying them. I am populating this data in table (rows). I have checkbox next to every record and a Delete button. When the Delete button is clicked, all the rows that are checked, will get deleted.


For every row that I delete, I am trying to update the current view with the next set of rows, till the fetch row limit is met. Confusing? Here's an example:


Consider that I 1000 rows in my table & I have set the records fetch limit as 30, which means that upto 30 records will be shown at one time. I can use pagination to navigate to the other records. Now in my view, I have 30 rows of data in the table. I selected 5 rows and deleted them via jQuery. Upon deletion, I am able to remove the deleted rows from view. So in this case, since I deleted 5 rows, I am able to remove them and now my view shows me only 25 rows (which is correct). Since there are 995 rows remaining still in my table and as I have a record fetch limit of 30, now I want this to work in such a way that I show the next 5 records automatically. I want the existing entries to move up and the new entries to populate at the bottom.

In other words, as long as sufficient rows exist, I want to populate my view with the same number of records, as many were deleted. So if I delete 10 records, I want the next 10 records to be fetched and displayed automatically again making it a total count of 30 rows of data, that are displayed. If 20 records are deleted, then I want next 20 records to be fetched and displayed automatically( again making it a total count of 30 rows of data, that are displayed). I want to do this with an effect attached to it, so that i can visually note that new rows has appeared. Maybe a slideup or fadein+slideup effect can be applied? Hope I make sense.


I need the PHP & jQuery code to be able to achieve the above effect/functionality. Thanks in advance.

Here's a bit of my jQuery code (if that helps):

$('#button_delete').click(function() {  

   type: 'POST',  
   cache: false,
   url: 'test.php',
   data: $('#form1').serialize(), 
   dataType: 'json',
   success: function(data) {            

      if(data.success === 1)
       $.each(data.id, function (index, value) {       


             jQuery.each(data.new_rows_data, function(i, val) 

                jQuery.each(val, function(i, new_val) 
                    $('#table').append('<tr id='+new_val+'>'+



  return false;

PHP code:

 $from = 0;
 $limit = 30;

$result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY m_id ASC LIMIT  $from, $limit" );  


 while( $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result) )
 <tr id=<?php echo $rows['m_id']; ?>>
     <td><?php echo $rows['m_id']; ?></td>
     <td><?php echo $rows['content']; ?></td>





$id = $_POST['id'];

if( is_array( $id ) )
    $arr_size = sizeof( $id );

    foreach ( $id as $value )
        $sql = "DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id = ".(int)$value." LIMIT 1";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);

    if( $result )
                $success = 1;
                $message = 'Deleted';   
                $success = 0;
                $message = 'Unable to DELETE FROM DB.';             

$last_id = 500; 

for($i=1; $i <= $arr_size;  $i++)
    $new_value = ($last_id + $i);

    $new_rows[] .= $new_value;

    $res = mysql_query("SELECT id,  message, date 
                       FROM mytable WHERE id = ".(int)$new_value." "); //LIMIT 1

    $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);

    $new_rows_data['row']['id'] .= $row['id'];

    $new_rows_data['row']['message'] .= $row['message'];

    $new_rows_data['row']['date'] .= $row['date'];

print json_encode(array('success' => $success, 'message' => $message, 'id' => $id,  'new_rows' => $new_rows,
                        'new_rows_data' => $new_rows_data));    
Was it helpful?


Since you're using AJAX (or ajaj, i guess) to delete the rows, you could also pass in the last id that's currently being displayed to the deletion post page.

Then, instead of just passing back success, you could also pass a json encoded set of rows of the same length as the number deleted and use jquery to append those to your table, setting the last id to the last id of the appended rows.

$('#button_delete').click(function() {  

   type: 'POST',  
   cache: false,
   url: 'test.php',
   data: $.extend($('#form1').serialize(), { 'last_id':$('#table tr:last').attr('id') }), 
   dataType: 'json',
   success: function(data) {            

      if(data.success === 1)
       $.each(data.id, function (index, value) {       

       jQuery.each(data.new_rows_data, function(i, val) 
                 $('#table').append('<tr id='+val.id+'>'+




  return false;

Or something to that effect.

Now you should be able to access the last id in your deletion code via $_POST['last_id']. By changing the post-delete select to:

$res = mysql_query("SELECT id,  message, date 
                   FROM mytable WHERE id > ".(int)$last_id." limit ".$arr_size);

You should get the results after your last one.

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