
I have a frustrating problem with an mvc view containing the Microsoft Chart control. When I request the view containing the control I get the following error.

Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

When I run the project under the visual studio 2008 dev server it works fine. When I deploy the project to the staging server I get the error. To make this even more frustrating when I deploy to a different site on the same server under a virtual directory it works.

I also get no error messages in the event log or elmah when this happens. Has anyone else encountered this? What did you do to resolve it?

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Solution 2

I don't believe this was an issue with the Chart control itself. When I created a plain html view to load on the Report control I got the same error.

I believe this was some kind of conflict with one of the other HttpHandler components. I am using ELMAH and the Telerik MVC Controls. When I renamed the Controller/Routes from ReportController to ReportingController everything worked fine.


Have you made sure the Chart http handlers/modules are defined in the web.config and that the charting dlls are in the bin on the staging site?

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