
We are using Magento 2.4.1 Enterprise Edition with B2B. Is Magento PWA venia setup support B2B features out of the box? or do we need to integrate separately?

Also, please provide a list of PWA that supports Magento 2 B2B.

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We are using Magento 2.4.1 Enterprise Edition with B2B. Is Magento PWA venia setup support B2B features out of the box?

No as of Q4 2020 it's not yet supported. According to the public graphql project board here you can expect initial graphql support for B2B scenarios with Magento release 2.4.2. which would then allow PWA solutions built on graphql like venia to take advantage of this. 2.4.2 should be coming in Q1 in 2021 - not sure how soon thereafter Venia might support it.

or do we need to integrate separately?


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