
I've tried the tools listed here, some with more success than others, but none gave me valid postgres syntax I could use (tinyint errors etc.)

Was it helpful?


There's a mysqldump option which makes it output PostgreSQL code:

mysqldump --compatible=postgresql ...


After some time on Google I found this post.

  1. Install the mysql2psql gem using [sudo] gem install mysql2psql.
  2. Create a config file by running mysql2psql. You'll see an error but a mysql2psql.yml file should have been created.
  3. Edit mysql2psql.yml
  4. Run mysql2psql again to migrate you data.

Tip: Set force_truncate to true in your mysql2psql.yml config file if you want the postgresql database to be cleared before migrating your data.

I've used py-mysql2pgsql. After installation it needs only simple configuration file in yml format (source, destination), e.g.:

# if a socket is specified we will use that
# if tcp is chosen you can use compression
 hostname: localhost
 port: 3306
 socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
 username: mysql2psql
 database: mysql2psql_test
 compress: false
 # if file is given, output goes to file, else postgres
  hostname: localhost
  port: 5432
  username: mysql2psql
  database: mysql2psql_test


> py-mysql2pgsql -h
usage: py-mysql2pgsql [-h] [-v] [-f FILE]

Tool for migrating/converting data from mysql to postgresql.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Show progress of data migration.
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Location of configuration file (default:
                        mysql2pgsql.yml). If none exists at that path,
                        one will be created for you.

More on its home page

There is one piece of pay software listed on this postgresql page:

and this is on pgFoundry:

This page lists the syntax differences, but a simple working query converter i haven't found yet. Using an ORM package instead of raw SQL could prevent these issues.

I'm currently hacking up a converter for a legacy codebase:

function mysql2pgsql($mysql){
    return preg_replace("/limit (\d+), *(\d+)/i", "limit $1 offset $2", preg_replace("/as '([^']+)'/i", 'as "$1"', $mysql)); // Note: limit needs order

For CREATE statements, SQLines converts most of them online. I still had to edit the mysqldump afterwards, though:

"mediumtext" -> "text", "^LOCK.*" -> "", "^UNLOCK.*" -> "", "`" -> '"', "'" -> "''" in 'data', "0000-00-00" -> "2000-01-01", deduplicate constraint names, " CHARACTER SET utf8 " -> " ".
"int(10)" -> "int" was missed in the last table, so pass that part of the mysqldump through again.

Try this one , it works like charm !!

Have a look at PG Foundry, extra utilities for Postgres tend to live there. I believe that the tool you're looking for does exist though.

you will most likely never get a tool for such task which would do all of your job for you. be prepared to do some refactoring work yourself.

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