
I'm using exponential formatting to format a decimal number in C#. For example if the number is


Formatting with




How can I remove leading zero from exponent so it read as below?

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Assuming you need to always show 4 digits after decimal point, try


so it will show

(0.0000123456).ToString("0.0000E+0"); //1.2345E-5 
(0.0000120000).ToString("0.#E+0");    //1.2000E-5

if you don't need to show 4 digits after decimal points use


so it will show

(0.0000123456).ToString("0.#E+0"); //1.2E-5
(0.0000120000).ToString("0.#E+0"); //1.2E-5


Quoting MSDN:

The case of the format specifier indicates whether to prefix the exponent with an "E" or an "e". The exponent always consists of a plus or minus sign and a minimum of three digits. The exponent is padded with zeros to meet this minimum, if required.

This is with the standard number specifier.

However, with the custom number format, you can set the number of 0's:

987654 ("#0.0e0") -> 98.8e4

For your case, it's

(0.0000123456).ToString("#0.0E0"); //12.3E-6

Edit after BobSort comment

If you need scientific notation, you can specify that you need only one digit before decimal with the following:

(0.0000123456).ToString("0.00#E0"); //1.23E-5
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