
In django I have three models:

  • SimpleProduct
  • ConfigurableProduct Instead of showing several variations of SimpleProducts, the user will see one product with options like color.
  • GroupProduct - Several SimpleProducts that are sold together.

First I'm creating all the SimpleProducts, then I create ConfigurableProducts from several products that are variations on the same product and last GroupProducts which are combiniations of several SimpleProducts.

When a user navigate to a category I need to show him all the three types. If a SimpleProduct is part of a ConfigurableProduct I don't want to show it twice.

How do I make the query? Do I have to create three several queries? How do I use pagination on three models at the same time? Can I somehow use inheritance?


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I think this question is tough to answer without understanding your business logic a little more clearly. Here are my assumptions:

  1. Configurable options are ad hoc, i.e., you sell balls in red, blue, and yellow, shirts in small, medium, and large, etc. There is no way to represent these options abstractly because they don't transcend categories. (If they did, your database design is all wrong. If everything had custom color options, you would just make that a column in your database table.)
  2. Each configuration option has a pre-existing business identity at your company. There's some sku associated with red balls or something like that. For whatever reason, it is necessary to have a database row for each possible configuration option. (If it isn't, then again, you're doing it all wrong.)

If this is the case, my simplest recommendation would be to have some base class that all products inherit from with a field: representative_product_id. The idea is that for every product, there is a representative version that gets shown on the category page, or anywhere else in your catalog. In your database, this will look like:

Name          id    representative_id
red_ball      1     1
blue_ball     2     1
green_ball    3     1
small_shirt   4     4
medium_shirt  5     4
large_shirt   6     4
unique_thing  7     7

As for django queries, I would use F objects if you have version 1.1 or later. Just:


That will return a queryset whose representative ids match their own ids.

At this point, someone will clamor for data integrity. The main condition is that representative_id must in all cases point to an object whose representative_id matches its id. There are ways to enforce this directly, such as with a pre_save validator or something like that. You could also do effectively the same thing by factoring out a ProductType table that contains a representative_id column. I.e.:

Name          id    product_type
red_ball      1     ball
blue_ball     2     ball
green_ball    3     ball
small_shirt   4     shirt
medium_shirt  5     shirt
large_shirt   6     shirt
unique_thing  7     thing

Name          representative_id
ball          1
shit          4
thing         7

This doesn't replace the need to enforce integrity with some validator, but it makes it a little more abstract.


Go with Django's multi-table inheritance, with a base class you won't instanciate directly. The base class still has a manager you can run queries against, and that will contain the base attributes of any subclass instance.

To tackle your question about configurable products that must not be displayed redundantly, I think you have two options:

  • Make configurable products a multiple choice of ConfigurableProductChoice (unrelated to SimpleProduct). Have the ConfigurableProductChoice extend the ConfigurableProduct. That way you'll have a single ConfigurableProduct in your results and no redundancy.
  • Make configurable products be associated to various options, and design a rule to compute the price from what options are selected. A simple addition would be fine. Your product IDs will need to encode what options are selected. You still have no redundancy, because you didn't involve SimpleProduct.
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