
I have the following snippet of code written in C#:

openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "\\\\fwm-storage\\users\\" + 
curUser + "\\My Documents\\My Pictures";
openFileDialog1.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Images (*.jpg)|*.jpg";
openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2;
// blah, blah, blah

Which works great and all, but, I want to be able to add/change the ability to have the openFileDialog.InitialDirectory be a web folder on our SharePoint server. Say, for example: "http:\intranet\company\division\photos"

Anyone have any ideas as to how I can do this. I have exhausted my morning looking for an answer and my GoogleFu is apparently not up to par. I have seen sparse recommendations, but, it looks like it might require WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) or installing a Sharepoint SDK for Visual Studio (which might(?) allow me to directly access the SharePoint dBase). I am not above installing the SDK if that will get me to where I need to go; but not so much on the WPF.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Even if just to say it can't be done. If you need more information, always happy to oblige.



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Sharepoint can usually be accessed using UNC paths just as above. IE


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