
jQuery now allows you to use live to handle custom events, something I've used in my latest project and found very handy. I have come up against a limitation/bug, however, that I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with.

When you trigger an event, you can pass additional array of data too, like this:

 $(this).trigger('custom', ['foo', 'bar' ]);

If you were just using bind, you could absolutely access these variables. However, if you're using live, it turns out that you have no access to data as far as I can tell. Am I wrong? Is there another way?

Here is some demo code to illustrate:

 $().ready(function() {

        $('<li>Totally new one</li>').appendTo('ul');

    $('li').bind('custom', function(e, data) {
        // this one works fine for old elements, but not for new ones
        $('#output1').text('Bind custom from #' + + '; ' + data);
    }).live('custom', function(e, data) {
        // this one triggers for old and new elements, but data is useless
        $('#output2').text('Live custom from #' + + '; ' + data);
    }).live('click', function(){
        // just using click count to illustrate passing data in the trigger
        var clicks = $(this).data('clicks');
        if(typeof clicks == 'undefined') clicks = 1;
        $(this).trigger('custom', ['Times clicked: ' + clicks ]).data('clicks', clicks + 1);

And the related HTML:

    <li id="one">First Item</li>
    <li id="two">Second Item</li>
    <li id="three">Third Item</li>
<div id="output1">Result 1</div>
<div id="output2">Result 2</div>
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It looks like the easiest approach may be to use the format described in the last "alternate" example at The example uses an object literal to specify the event object, in which you can create custom properties. I also tried the approach you described above to no avail, but the alternate format works for me. So instead of calling

$(this).trigger('custom', ['Times clicked: ' + clicks ])


$(this).trigger({type:'custom', clicks: clicks});

and then reference it in the event handler of your "custom" event via:

"Times clicked: " + e.clicks;

Hope that helps!

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