Is “>” (U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN) allowed inside an html-element attribute value?


  •  01-07-2019
  •  | 


In other words may one use /<tag[^>]*>.*?<\/tag>/ regex to match the tag html element which does not contain nested tag elements?

For example (lt.html):

    <title>greater than sign in attribute value</title>
    <div title=">">2</div>


$ perl -nE"say $1 if m~<div[^>]*>(.*?)</div>~" lt.html

And screen-scraper:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(sys.stdin)
for div in soup.findAll('div'):
    print div.string

$ python <lt.html

Both give the same output:


Expected output:


w3c says:

Attribute values are a mixture of text and character references, except with the additional restriction that the text cannot contain an ambiguous ampersand.

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Yes, it is allowed (W3C Validator accepts it, only issues a warning).

Unescaped < and > are also allowed inside comments, so such simple regexp can be fooled.

If BeautifulSoup doesn't handle this, it could be a bug or perhaps a conscious design decision to make it more resilient to missing closing quotes in attributes.


I believe that's valid, and the W3C validator agrees, but the authoritative source for this information is the ISO 8879:1986 standard, which costs ~150EUR/210USD. Regardless, it is not wrong to encode them, so if in doubt, encode. Additionally, if you are using an XML-based document type, you need to encode greater-than signs in the sequence ]]>.

Literal > is legal everywhere in html content, both inside attribute values and as text within an element.

After reading the following:

it looks like entity escapes are suggested everywhere (including in attributes) for < > and &

If you insist on using regular expressions (which is appropriate for basic string operations) try using <tag((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)>.*?<\/tag>. It should match attributes perfectly and therefore allowing you to access the inner content (although you need to put it in a capture group).

You may also use the Html Agility Pack for parsing HTML, which I would recommend if you are going to do a lot of parsing. Maintaining large regular expressions can easily become a headache, but in the meanwhile they are also much more effective if you are able to do so.

yeah except /<tag[^>]*>.*?<\/tag>/

Will not match a single tag, but match the first start-tag and the last end-tag for a given tag. Just like your first non-greedy tag-match, your in-between should be written non-greedy as well.

see if you get the same result using &gt; instead of >

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