
I got issue on Magento stroefront, there was no products showing on any category page. If I open any product direct and try to item to cart. Then it shows empty cart page. Admin panel working fine.

All the category pages were redirecting to a fixed page i.e. no-route or 404 page. Nothing to browse, all the customers were angry on us.

Do you know what may be the reason?

Magento version 2.3.5 Enterprise Edition.

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I have worked on it, and checked so many things like URL rewrite, file permission and cookie setting and all. But no luck.

Then I read an Article about Magento's new feature to Disable Category Permissions in Magento.

In my case someone has changed it's setting and "Disable Category Permissions in Magento" from Store -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog -> Category Permissions -> Enable

If we Set It Yes, means it will restrict browsing of category products on frontend.

and due to this, all my store has no products on frontend, I found this and again set it NO, and everything started working as normal. Just for your information.

In logs you get this error as well:

report.CRITICAL: You may need more permissions to access this category. {"exception":"[object] (Magento\\Framework\\Exception\\LocalizedException(code: 0): You may need more permissions to access this category. at vendor/magento/module-catalog-permissions/Observer/

So, in a nutshell you just need to set NO in below setting : Store -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog -> Category Permissions -> Enable

It resolved my issue and all customers are happy now.


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