
I am working with two plugins in jQuery: jquery.scrollTo and jquery.Colorbox and I'm having an issue, quite simple I think.

What I want to do is to fire colorbox just after the scrollTo event ends.

ScrollTo actually supports callbacks with the setting onAfter and it works with simple alert() messages. But when I write a function to execute colorbox, it doesn't work: colorbox executes along with scrollTo (the window scrolls and the colorbox div opens).

I have the following code:

<script type="text/javascript">
  function abreCbox(){
   $(".abrircbox").colorbox({width: "50%",inline: true, href:"#inline_example1"})

  $.scrollTo('#home',{offset: {left: -100, top: -100}});

   axis: 'xy',
   queue: true,
   duration: 1800,
   onAfter: abreCbox,
   offset: {left: -100, top: -100}

I don't know how the onAfter function works, so I'm begging you for help =D

Thank thank you very much.

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You have this bit of code

function abreCbox(){
   $(".abrircbox").colorbox({width: "50%",inline: true, href:"#inline_example1"})

inside your $(document).ready(function() ..., meaning it is executed when the document is ready.
The onAfter part is ok, you just have to move the function declaration outside.

//for reuse later
function abreCbox(){
 $(".abrircbox").colorbox({width: "50%",inline: true, href:"#inline_example1"})
  $.scrollTo('#home',{offset: {left: -100, top: -100}});

   axis: 'xy',
   queue: true,
   duration: 1800,
   onAfter: abreCbox,
   offset: {left: -100, top: -100}

If you don't predict you will reuse function abreCbox later, then it is advisable to pass an anonymous function to onAfter and remove the declaration totally, like this:

  $.scrollTo('#home',{offset: {left: -100, top: -100}});
   axis: 'xy',
   queue: true,
   duration: 1800,
   onAfter: function (){
       $(".abrircbox").colorbox({width: "50%",inline: true, href:"#inline_example1"});
   offset: {left: -100, top: -100}
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