
This seems like it can be a recent problem since there are new versions out for both node.js and nowjs. When trying to install nowjs on ubuntu 11.04 with node 0.7.0-pre and npm

sudo npm install now -g

I get

/bin/sh: node-waf: not found

and so make of node-proxy fails. Reinstalling node gets me nowhere. A little help please? I have tried #nowjs at freenode, but it is silent...

And yes, I have seen this question, but the answer doesn't make sense to me. node-waf is indeed missing, but how would running the same make install on node again remedy that?

Thanks in advance!

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Try to install nodejs-dev. node-waf belongs to that package


I tried to install on a new Ubuntu VM and eventually discovered I needed a C++ compiler. This did the trick for me:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev curl git core
$ npm install now

via How to compile/install node.js(could not configure a cxx compiler!) (Ubuntu).

Installing node-waf wasn't helping at all.

I simply upgraded my node version (from 0.4.4 into 0.6.2), problem was resolved!

node-waf got changed to node-gyp, node-waf wont be supported in windows.

Well. and now npm install nodejs-dev fail

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