
I'm using packages subfigure and float to create figures and tables that I want to create and I'm trying to create my own environment graph with its own counter and caption (solved there, thanks to dmckee). Now I'd like to create \subgraph command which will do exactly the same as \subfigure command.

I tried create my own command with propreate counter (Assisted here, thanks to Alexey). But problem appears with using \ref command. Reference to \subfigure returns 2.1(a) but reference to \subgraph returns 1.

As I tried to find out how to solve this I read subfig manual, where I've found \newsubfloat command with an example. First error was in use of subfig's commands in subfigure and I got stuck there. If I use subfigure I can access \subfigure but can't force \subgraph working, when I use subfig I can acces \subfloat in graph but not in figure and \ref returns 1.0a instead of 1.1 (a).

definition by subfig package:

\newcommand{\listofGraphs}{\listof{Graph2}{List of Graphs}}

definition my own \subgraph

\captionof{subGraph}{#1} #2


Please help me with understanding how \label and \ref commands work (I think my solution collapses because \label is before \caption) and/or with forcing subfig package to work as I want.

Thank you for any idea and be merciful to my english.



By using caption package I can create new counter (subGraph) and use it outside its environment. Only way how to have both counter (subgraph and graph) correcly referred is using \captionof{graph} before \subgraph.

So, my new question is: How to execute \captionof{graph} before subgraphs and typeset in below them? And how to force \ref to show 1.1-a instead of 1.1.1


Code for subfigure: (Returns <chapter>.<figure> (<subfigure>) correct.

\caption{main caption}

Code for subfig: (Returns <chapter>.<graph2>-1<subfigure>) incorrect.

\caption{main caption}

My code: (Returns <chapter>.<graph1>.<subgraph> but caption shows the same "adress")

\captionof{graph1}{main caption}
Was it helpful?


I think your subfig solution should work (subfigure is deprecated anyway). The issue with the wrong references might have to do with you using \label incorrectly. You must have the \label command after the \caption, or as a part of it:

\caption{A Figure}


\caption{A Figure%

Edit: the following "works for me". As I said, the \label is after the \caption:

\newcommand{\listofGraphs}{\listof{Graph2}{List of Graphs}}
\section{Test s}

\subfloat[sub-caption]{\fbox{Fig 1}}
\caption{main caption}

\subfloat[sub-caption]{\fbox{Fig 2}}
\caption{main caption}

Graph~\ref{fig:1} is the first graph, and~\ref{fig:2} is the second.


This produces:

Graph 1.1 is the first graph, and 1.2 is the second.


I can't elaborate right now, but you want to use \refstepcounter instead of \addtocounter.

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