
for use with lzo-net ( ) I am looking for a new version of the lzo.dll file. Mine is from 2004.

The newest file should be 2.0.6 ( )

But I only have visual studio and compiling is not working. I run


But I only get error messages.

Where can I download the newsest x86 version of lzo.dll?

I compared compression speed with very much other tools (SharpZipLip, DotNetZip, ManagedQLZ, QuickLZSharp, MiniLZO, Deflate, SevenZip), but lzo is the fastest for my application.

So it would be the best to use the newest version available I think. Maybe there are other improovements and bug fixes that help.

I get the followign errors:

// Copyright (C) 1996-2011 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer
//   Windows 32-bit
//   Microsoft Visual C/C++ (DLL)
The system cannot find the path specified.

D:\lzo-2.05\lzo-2.05\B\win32>set CC=cl -nologo -MD

D:\lzo-2.05\lzo-2.05\B\win32>set CF=-O2 -GF -W3

D:\lzo-2.05\lzo-2.05\B\win32>set LF=

D:\lzo-2.05\lzo-2.05\B\win32>cl -nologo -MD -O2 -GF -W3   -D__LZO_EXPO
RT1#__declspec(dllexport) -c @b\src.rsp
The command "cl" is either misspelled or could not be found
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It seems the .bat file is not finding the CL (commandline VC compiler) in your PATH. Have you tried running the vc_dll.bat file from a Visual Studio command prompt? It should be somewhere in the "visual studio tools" group in your Start menu.

Additionally, the documentation says:

To build LZO for your system type 'b\OS\COMPILER' in the base directory, e.g. 'b\win32\vc.bat' will build the Win32 Visual C/C++ version.

So you're building from the wrong directory. You MUST be in the base directory (eg. D:\lzo-2.05\lzo-2.05) and from there execute:



I just finished a CLI C++ .NET wrapper for LZO that uses the current LZO2 DLL. In case anyone is looking for a more up to date .NET interface.

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