
is it possible to handle all wildcards in _menu() by module.

I know about specific wildcards like

display/page/% but that won't work for paths display/page/3/andOrderBy/Name

what If I want to handle unpredicted ammount of parameters like


I want to have one display/* _menu() path to handle all ARGUMENTS.

how can I do it ?

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Drupal will pass any additional URL elements as additional parameters to your hook_menu callback function - use func_get_args() in your callback to get them.

So if you register only one wildcard display/page/%, but the actual request has two additional elements display/page/3/andOrderBy/Name, your callback will be passed '3' as an explicit parameter, but also 'andOrderBy' and 'Name' as implicit additional ones.

Example callback:

function yourModuleName_display_callback($page_number) {
  // Grab additional arguments
  $additional_args = func_get_args();
  // Remove first one, as we already got it explicitely as $page_number
  // Check for additional args
  if (!empty($additional_args)) {
    // Do something with the other arguments ...
  // other stuff ...


ah ;) you were right

here is how i solved it.

function mysearch_menu() {
$items['mysearch/%'] = array(
'page callback' => 'FN_search',
'access callback' => TRUE,
return $items;

function FN_search()
    return print_r(func_get_args(),true);
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