Is there a way to define multiline XML in code in C# without having to change “ to ”"?


  •  19-09-2019
  •  | 


I would like to be able to paste chunks of XML into my C# code.

However, the best I can do is the following, but then I have to search and replace " with "".

Is there a way to define multiline XML in C# code without having to alter the XML text like this?

        public static string GetXml1()
            return @"
  <FirstName status=""required"">Jim</FirstName>
  <LastName status=""required"">Smith</LastName>
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Store the XML as a string resource then retrieve the XML as using ResourceManager.


Not necessarily what you are askin for, but Box/Column Select might help if the lines are alligned. Just hold down the 'Alt'-key while you use the mouse to select the " you want to remove and press delete.

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