
At the moment, I am doing a number of searches which include "html" in them, for example "html rearrange". Unfortunately, I get a lot of hits from sites that include "rearrange" on a .html page but have no mention of html in the page itself.

Is there a way to prevent search terms from matching urls?

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try something like

"html rearrange -inurl:html"

the inurl means "match the following pattern in the URL", the - means to exclude those pages


Thanks for the answers - I didn't know about "inurl" - very useful indeed.

I poked about in google and found the list of operators that can be used:

There are some other ones in there I might find useful too.

-inurl:(htm|html) "search term"

Good luck!

you should actually use rearrange intext:html, otherwise you omit all pages ending in .html.

for example, the way matt will include but not

If was a better result, then you might miss some important information.

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