
I've just created my first Preview 5 error and it doesn't seem to place nice with Resharper. All the C# in the Views are coming up with errors, things like <%= Html.Password("currentPassword") %> has the "currentPassword" highlighted with the following error: Argument type "System.String" is not assignable parameter type "string".

IList errors = ViewData["errors"] as IList; has the IList highlighted as "Can not resole symbol 'string'"

Has anyone seen this?

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Did you try latest nightly build of ReSharper 4.1? In some cases the bug in 4.1 manifests itself with numerous ambiguity errors, and it has been fixed within the follow up build.


If anyone finds this blog, the fix suggested above worked for me - I downloaded the latest 4.1 build, and the ambiguous reference problem is gone.

Sometimes this can occur when you don't fully qualify your Inherits attribute of your @Page directive. Even if it is in your web.config be sure and fully qualify your Inherits directive for R#. (At least as of build 4.1.943).

This bug has been reported here:

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