
Just learning Silverlight 4/RIA and i 'm stuck in a weird problem: setup an ASP.NET MVC project as the project hosting the Domain service. In this i tried to get data from the Domain Service which worked fine (i'm using a repository which gets resolved using Windsor Castle).

Now i tried to setup a SL4 project. I though i do it the MVVM-way, so i decided to setup a ViewModel Class with the following code:

public class ViewModel
        OrganizationDomainContext dsCtxt = new OrganizationDomainContext();

        public ViewModel()
           EntityQuery<Culture> query = from cu in dsCtxt.GetAllCulturesQuery()
                                         select cu;
            LoadOperation<Culture> lo = dsCtxt.Load(query);



The crazy thing about this is .. it doesn't return anything!!! What am i missing here?

EDIT: I was not very clear about this issue: i 'm using Windsor Castle to do IoC stuff. Using Fiddler i see that the application tries to resolve something that looks like the name of the Silverlight application.

Thanks in advance

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It turns out that the aforementioned Silverlight application is actually the service i'm using to get data. I solved this ignoring routing issues to this service (in RegisterRoutes() ) like this:

routes.IgnoreRoute("{*allsvc}", new { allsvc = @".*\.svc(/.*)?" });
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