
I have created a custom post type called "pay stub" and two custom meta fields "net pay" and "link" (the link to the pay stub file) and two custom taxonomies, "status" and "employee".

I set the custom fields in the admin and click save. Then someone else on the front end checks the pay stubs and clicks approved at which point, wp_set_post_terms is fired to change the "status" from "pending" to "approved" ONLY IF the "net pay" custom meta is not empty also wp_mail is fired to send emails. On the click of that approve button, wp_insert_post is also fired and creates two new pay stub posts for the next week with a "status" of "pending"(ID=46), "employee" is set relevant to the current employee, and no custom meta is set.

//Create next week's pay stub.
function create_next_pay_stub( $employee ) {
if ( !get_last_pay_stub( '', $employee, '' ) ) {
    $next_pay_stub = array(
    'post_type'    => 'pay-stub',
    'post_title'   => next_pay_period(),
    'post_status'  => 'publish',
    'post_author'  => 1,
    'tax_input'    => array(
        'status'   => 46,
        'employee' => $employee,
    $next_pay_stub_id = wp_insert_post( $next_pay_stub );
    return $next_pay_stub_id;

Everything works flawlessly except for the wp_insert_post function. It successfully creates new pay stubs with everything set correctly but it removes all custom meta for the latest (last week's) pay stub and as a result, "net pay" becomes empty and "status" cannot be set to "approved" since "net pay" is empty. It also creates an extra pay stub with no "status" or "employee" set.

I know that wp_insert_post is the problem because if I fire the function above directly then the same problem which I just described happens. Any ideas?

EDIT 1 (in response to WebElaine's comment):

It's hooked into an if/else statement for wp_error which is checking for errors when wp_set_post_terms is fired. If error (terms were not changed to "approved") then echo an error message, else create_next_pay_stub() (and some other actions like sending notification emails etc.)

if ( is_wp_error( $term_taxonomy_ids ) || empty( $pay_amount ) ) { // There was an error somewhere and the terms couldn't be set. ?>
<span class="alert-danger pay-stub-alert loop-pay-stub-alert">ERROR!</span>
<?php $success = 0; }
else { // Success! The terms were set. echo 'APPROVED!';
$success = 1;
send_email_on_approval ( $employee_data->user_email, $employee_data->first_name, $title, $pay_amount );

EDIT 2 (narrowed down the culprit):

I have been doing extensive testing and the problem arise only when this function is run in the loop of the paystubs:

function publish_announcement_on_approval () {
    $announcement_id = get_last_announcement( '' );
    $announcement_publish = array(
      'ID'           => $announcement_id,
      'post_status'   => 'publish',
    wp_update_post( $announcement_publish );

(an announcenment is just a CPT from the WP HR Manager plugin)

The publish_announcement_on_approval () function is being called in the above wp_error function above, just after send_email_on_approval.

I originally had publish_announcement_on_approval () included in the send_email_on_approval function. But now i seperated them and it helped me realize that create_next_pay_stub is not the culprit.

I am currently testing with having publish_announcement_on_approval () out of the paystub loop. For now the function doesn't work outside of the loop, but it may be a coding error on my part. So I am currently looking into that, will report my findings.


EDIT 3 (SOLVED... for now)

I think this code was my problem:

// use reset postdata to restore orginal query

    if ( $current_slug == $approve_slug && $success === 1 && isset ($success)  ) {
        $next_pay_stub_id = create_next_pay_stub( $term->term_id );
} //this is the closing bracket of my foreach statement

which I changed to

if ( $current_slug == $approve_slug && $success === 1 && isset ($success)  ) {
        $next_pay_stub_id = create_next_pay_stub( $term->term_id );
} //this is the closing bracket of my foreach statement
    // use reset postdata to restore orginal query

So I think since the create_next_pay_stub(); function was after wp_reset_postdata();, it was not in the loop, but sort of was...? When I put reset postdata after the closing bracket for the foreach statement it works, and makes sense why it works now and not before.

I'm not a WP or PHP expert whatsoever, I compiled this entire pay stub functionality by combining many tutorials and google searches together.

Thanks to WebElaine for the helping comments!

Was it helpful?


SOLVED... for now

I think this code was my problem:

// use reset postdata to restore orginal query

    if ( $current_slug == $approve_slug && $success === 1 && isset ($success)  ) {
        $next_pay_stub_id = create_next_pay_stub( $term->term_id );
} //this is the closing bracket of my foreach statement

which I changed to

if ( $current_slug == $approve_slug && $success === 1 && isset ($success)  ) {
        $next_pay_stub_id = create_next_pay_stub( $term->term_id );
} //this is the closing bracket of my foreach statement
    // use reset postdata to restore orginal query

So I think since the create_next_pay_stub(); function was after wp_reset_postdata();, it was not in the loop, but sort of was...? When I put reset postdata after the closing bracket for the foreach statement it works, and makes sense why it works now and not before.

I'm not a WP or PHP expert whatsoever, I compiled this entire pay stub functionality by combining many tutorials and google searches together.

Thanks to WebElaine for the helping comments!

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