
I've decided to rewrite most of my distributed server programs in Go to replace the existing c# based ones.

Can someone point me to a Go TCP libs or a Go general network programming lib.


Edi: ... and how do i complile this code is visual stuido 2008? Thanks

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Here's the official API docs for the net package.

Regarding how to compile: See the installation guide. As of yet there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to compile in VS:

The Go tool chain is written in C. To build it, you need to have GCC, the standard C libraries, the parser generator Bison, and the text editor ed installed.

So in order to develop on Windows, the easiest route would be to use cygwin.


Depending on the needs of your distributed software, you may also want to check out the rpc package which makes it quite easy to register an object's public methods and call them remotely.

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