
I am taking a C++ programming class right now on GIS Programming. I am really starting to get alot of headaches from dealing with proper memory management. Considering at any time there is often 8-10 classes each holding a pointer to a 3D matrix or something else very large. Now our class already raised the issue of the prof allowing us to use Boost, or atleast the C++ Feature Pack for 2008(for TR1). He refused but said if we wanted to we can find add a few third party cpp/hpp files. I already tried looking at getting shared_ptr out of boost but that is more of a headache than its worth.

So is there any sort of free shared_ptr implementation out there?

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Use boost's bcp tool. It will let you extract certain functionality from the boost libraries.

bcp shared_ptr /boost_shared_ptr

will extract shared_ptr and it's dependencies to that directory.


Give Lokis ref-counted smart pointer a shot - as far as i recall its less coupled then boosts headers.

Preprocess boost header that contains the definition of shared_ptr. Write it to a single .hpp file. This way you'll get boost shared_ptr and all its dependencies in one header file, without the need for full installation of boost.

shared_ptr does not need any shared library to be linked to your code, it is a header-only library... so this should work.

While it would be a terrible idea for a production solution, it wouldn't be too hard to roll your own for a class, if you didn't try to be as cross compiler, flexible and thread safe as boost's:

template <typename contained>
class my_shared_ptr {
   my_shared_ptr() : ptr_(NULL), ref_count_(NULL) { }

   my_shared_ptr(contained * p)
     : ptr_(p), ref_count_(p ? new int : NULL)
   { inc_ref(); }

   my_shared_ptr(const my_shared_ptr& rhs)
     : ptr_(rhs.p), ref_count_(rhs.ref_count_)
   { inc_ref(); }

   ~my_shared_ptr() {
     if(ref_count_ && 0 == dec_ref()) { delete ptr_; delete ref_count_; }
   contained * get() { return ptr_; }
   const contained * get() const { return ptr_; }

   void swap(my_shared_ptr& rhs) // throw()
      std::swap(p, rhs.p);
      std::swap(ref_count_, rhs.ref_count_);

   my_shared_ptr& operator=(const my_shared_ptr& rhs) {
        my_shared_ptr tmp(rhs);
        return *this;

   // operator->, operator*, operator void*, use_count
   void inc_ref() {
      if(ref_count_) { ++(*ref_count_); }

   int  dec_ref() {
      return --(*ref_count_);

   contained * ptr_;
   int * ref_count_;
#include <tr1/memory> // this is contained in STL.
std::tr1::shared_ptr<A> a = new A;

ow, just saw your professor doesnt allow you to use TR1. tough luck.

Do you really need shared ownership that much?

You can often get by with just a simple ad hoc RAII class, taking exclusive ownership of an object.

Memory management without RAII is a pain, but you an get RAII without shared_ptr.

I just spotted a serious mistake in your code sample. It should be

ref_count_(p ? new int(0) : NULL)

instead of

ref_count_(p ? new int : NULL)

the counter should be initialized to 0. if not all your smart pointer is not smart anymore. All those programmers that do those tiny mistake pay for it a lot in debugging later, you should think like a compiler and act like it....

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