
After frustration with installing custom designed skins for ZenCart, I was wondering which, if any, of the PHP shopping carts out there have a good templating system that makes it easy (or easier) to install custom designs?

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There is a project called open cart at

It has plugins and a template system so it should be fairly easy skin.


I think it is Avactis shopping cart.

Various dynamic parts of Avactis storefront can be integrated into an existing website through inserting of simple Tags into static pages. All Avactis Tags are described in the Avactis Tag Library

More details:

Magento is alright to skin, provided you know a bit about Views and also how the layout is controlled.

It's been a while since I used Magento, but from what I can remember is you define a layout in an XML file, and then there are many views in a different folder of which you can modify quite easily.

The simplest is in my opinion Virtuemart 2.

Take a customized template like esport by gavick and you're already on

you can override every page you want, and you take advance of any power of joomla for community extensions

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