
I am using the D3.js library and looking at the force-directed graph demo:

enter image description here

I am also looking at the node-link tree:

enter image description here

What I would like to do is:

- Start with the force-directed graph and when the user clicks on a node, have it animated smoothly into a tree, with the selected node in the center. - Then, when the user clicks on any empty space in the canvas, it should animate back to the force-directed graph.

Has anyone done anything like this before, or have any advice as to the best approach to take? I am new to D3.js and have no idea if this is even supported by the framework.

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What you need to do is stop the force and apply a transformation of the existing nodes to the x-y derived from the other layout. So your function would look like this:


Then iterate through your nodes array and set the x, y, px, py values to reflect the new X and Y. This will set your nodes to know the current x and y position for the force layout when you run force.start()

You can take a look at the plotLayout() function in this example:

This does not rely on a second d3.layout, though. The problem you'll run into is that you need a hierarchical dataset for the tree layout, which requires you to transform your nodes and edges data into an array of node.children as expected in the hierarchical layouts. The way that I would do it is to duplicate the dataset and manually flatten it, but there may be a more elegant solution that I'm unaware of.

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