
I have a QTableWidget with 5 columns in it, how do I set all items on column 2 to be a QProgressBar?

I tried something like:

self.downloads_table = QtGui.QTableWidget(0, 5)
self.downloads_table.setItemDelegateForColumn(2, DownloadDelegate(self))

Where DownloadDelegate is:

class DownloadDelegate(QItemDelegate):

  def __init__(self, parent=None):
    super(DownloadDelegate, self).__init__(parent)

  def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
    return QProgressBar(parent)

But the progress bar doesn't show up at all. Any idea?

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As Marconi said,

QTableWidget.setCellWidget(row, column, QWidget) 

adds a QWidget into the cell at (row, column) and gives it the QTableWidget as parent.

e.g. something along these lines:

table = QTableWidget(1, 3)
item1 = QTableWidgetItem("foo")
comboBox = QComboBox()
checkBox = QCheckBox()

will give you a 1x3 table with "foo" in cell 0,0, a QComboBox in cell 0,1 and a QCheckBox in cell 0,2.


The model must return itemEditable in flags()

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