
I wrote the class Link which has a method shortTolong() this should return the real URL for a shortened url by returning the 'location' response header. i tested it and it works OK here is the code

public function shortTolong()
        $urlMatch = array();
        $ch = curl_init();

        $options = array
        curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
        $server_output = curl_exec($ch);
        preg_match_all(LINK, $server_output,&$urlMatch,PREG_SET_ORDER);
            foreach($urlMatch as $set)
                $extracted_url = $set[2].'://'.$set[3];
            return $extracted_url;
            return $this->getUrl();

the problem starts when i try to use this method on other file which uses FeedParser to get feed entries that contain this short urls i ned to analyze from some reason i get as a result the short url instead of the long one here is the code:

foreach($parser->getItems() as $item)
    $idpreg = '/\d+/';
    preg_match_all($idpreg, $item['ID'],$statusid);
    $retweetid = ($statusid[0][1]);
    $datetime = $item['PUBLISHED'];
    $user = $item['AUTHOR']['NAME'];
    preg_match_all(LINK, $item['TITLE'], &$linkMatch);
    $final = $linkMatch[0][0];
        echo '<p>';
        $link = new Link($final);
        echo $link->getUrl();
        echo '<br>';
        echo $link->shortTolong();
        echo '<br>';
        echo $user;
        echo '<br>';
        echo $retweetid;
        echo '</p>';


from some reason i get the same result for getUrl() and shortTolong() and i know for certain this is an error.

any ideas why this is happening? Thanks

Edit- I added an error notice to the method with curl_eror i get this error message: "Protocol http not supported or disabled in libcurl" as i said i tested this method from the and it's working fine as as stand alone in the same environment (no changes) i suspect it has something to do with FeedParser using curl too....

Was it helpful?


i think you should trim() the url and that should resolve the issue.

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