
I've got the following situation

  • A rails application that makes use of rjs / Scriptaculous to offer AJAX functionality
  • Lot of nice javascript written using jQuery (for a separate application)

I want to combine the two and use my jQuery based functionality in my Rails application, but I'm worried about jQuery and Scriptaculous clashing (they both define the $() function, etc).

What is my easiest option to bring the two together? Thanks!

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Then use jQuery instead of $ to refer to jQuery. e.g.,


If you need to adapt jQuery code that uses $, you can surround it with this:

(function($) {
...your code here...


I believe it's jQuery.noConflict().

You can call it standalone like this:



Or you can assign it to another variable of your choosing:

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();


Or you can keep using jQuery's $ function inside a block like this:


 // Put all your code in your document ready area
   // Do jQuery stuff using $
// Use Prototype with $(...), etc.

For more information, see Using jQuery with Other Libraries in the jQuery documentation.

jRails is a drop-in replacement for scriptaculous/prototype in Rails using the jQuery library, it does exactly what you're looking for.

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