
I want to change the standard "3D" look of the standard checkbox to say solid 1px. If I try to apply the styling to the Border for example it does just that - draws the standard checkbox with a border around it - which is valid I guess.

Anyway, is there a way to change how the actual textbox is styled?

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I think the best way to make CheckBox looks really different is not to use checkbox control at all. Better use your own images for checked/unchecked state on-top of hyperlink or image element. Cheers.


Rather than use some non-standard control, what you should be doing is using un-obtrusive javascript to do it after the fact. See for an example.

Using the standard ASP checkbox simplifies writing the code. You don't have to write your own user control, and all your existing code/pages don't have to be updated.

More importantly, it is a standard HTML control that all browsers can recognize. It is accessible to all users, and work if they don't have javascript. For example, screen readers for the blind will be able to understand it as a checkbox control, and not just an image with a link.

Simplest best way, using the ASP checkbox control with custom design.

 chkOrder.InputAttributes["class"] = "fancyCssClass";

you can use something like that.. hope that helps

Why not use CheckBox button with ToggleButtonExtender available from the Ajax control toolkit.

None of the above work well when using ASP.NET Web Forms and Bootstrap.

I ended up using Paul Sheriff's Simple Bootstrap CheckBox for Web Forms

    .checkbox .btn, .checkbox-inline .btn {
    padding-left: 2em;
    min-width: 8em;
    .checkbox label, .checkbox-inline label {
    text-align: left;
    padding-left: 0.5em;
    .checkbox input[type="checkbox"]{

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="checkbox">
        <label class="btn btn-default">
            <asp:CheckBox ID="chk1" runat="server" Text="Required" />

The result looks like this...
The result looks like this

Not sure that it's really an related question.. Give this a shot, lots of good info here:

Keep in mind that the asp:CheckBox control actually outputs more than just a single checkbox input.

For example, my code outputs

<span class="CheckBoxStyle">
    <input id="ctl00_cphContent_cbCheckBox" 

where CheckBoxStyle is the value of the CssClass attribute applied to the control and cbCheckBox is the ID of the control.

To style the input, you need to write CSS to target

span.CheckBox input {
  /* Styles here */

paste this code in your css and it will let you customize your checkbox style. however, it's not the best solution, it's pretty much displaying your style on top of the existing checkbox/radiobutton.


        width: 9px;
        height: 9px;
        border-radius: 9px;
        top: -2px;
        left: -1px;
        position: relative;
        background-color: #3B8054;
        content: '';
        display: inline-block;
        visibility: visible;
        border: 3px solid #3B8054;
        transition: 0.5s ease;
        cursor: pointer;


        background-color: #9DFF00;

They're dependent on the browser really.

Maybe you could do something similar to the answer in this question about changing the file browse button.

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