
Wondering if following will work for google in robots.txt

Disallow: /*.action

I need to exclude all urls ending with .action.

Is this correct?

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To block files of a specific file type (for example, .gif), use the following:

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /*.gif$

So, you are close. Use Disallow: /*.action$ with a trailing "$"

Of course, that's merely what Google suggests:

All bots are different.


The robots.txt specification provides no way to include wildcards, only the beginning of URIs.

Google implement non-standard extensions, described in their documentation (look in the Manually create a robots.txt file section under "To block files of a specific file type").

I don't think it will work, you would need to move all .action files to a location which you then disallow

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