
Inside my webpage "http://www.my_web_page" I have something like that: img border="0" class="borderx" id="pic_15132"

I wanna know which parameter did I have to use inside preg_match_all("") to retrieve only the number. Here is what I tried but my result is: _15132

$webpage = file_get_contents("http://www.my_web_page");

   preg_match_all("#_([^>]*)[0-9]{6}#", $webpage , $matches)
        foreach($matches[0] as $value) 
                echo $value . "<br>"; 


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$webpage = file_get_contents("http://www.my_web_page");

preg_match_all("#_[^>]*([0-9]{6})#", $webpage , $matches)
   foreach($matches[1] as $value) 
          echo $value . "<br>"; 
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