
I'm looking for a way to dispatch an event from my jQuery plugin so that it can have multiple listeners for that event. I have the plugin setup so that it returns a reference to itself so that I can add listeners later via public methods.

The only examples I've seen so far have a single event handler, e.g.:

$ = function( options ) {
    // trigger event

$('#bar').foo({ eventHandler: myEventHandler })

Is my only option what I was going to do, simply have an array of registered event handlers and call each of them, or am I missing a better alternative.

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I'd go with throwing an array into the constructor/options object. This is how it's normally done:

    prop: "value",
    foo: "bar",
    eventsToFire: [
        function () { },
        function () { },
        function () { }

And the plugin would do something along the lines of this:

Assuming you are writing a plugin which is supposed to be executed on a collection.

jQuery.fn.plugIn = function (options)
    return this.each(function ()
        var i = options.eventsToFire.length;

        while (i--) options.eventsToFire[i]();


why not use an array and loop through it? The code below will accept both an array and a single event handler.

$ = function( options ) {
    // trigger event
    if(typeof eventHandler == "Array"){
      for(var i=0; i<eventHandler.length; i++){

$('#bar').foo({ eventHandler: [myEventHandler, anotherEventHandler] })
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