
I have a select query producing a big output and I want to execute it in sqldeveloper, and get all the results into a file.

Sql-developer does not allow a result bigger than 5000 lines, and I have 100 000 lines to fetch...

I know i could use SQL+, but let's assume I want to do this in sqldeveloper.

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Instead of using Run Script (F5), use Run Statement (Ctrl+Enter). Run Statement fetches 50 records at a time and displays them as you scroll through the results...but you can save the entire output to a file by right-clicking over the results and selecting Export Data -> csv/html/etc.

I'm a newbie SQLDeveloper user, so if there is a better way please let me know.


Yes you can increase the size of the Worksheet by change the setting Tool-->Preferences - >Database -> Worksheet -> Max rows to print in a script(depends on you).

This question is really old, but posting this so it might help someone with a similar issue.

You can store your query in a query.sql file and and run it as a script. Here is a sample query.sql:

spool "C:\path\query_result.txt";
select * from my_table;
spool off;

In oracle sql developer you can just run this script like this and you should be able to get the result in your query_result.txt file.


Mike G answer will work if you only want the output of a single statement.

However, if you want the output of a whole sql script with several statements, SQL*Plus reports, and some other output formats, you can use the spool command the same way as it is used in SQL*Plus.

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