
I love vim and the speed it gives me. But sometimes, my fingers are too speedy and I find myself typing :WQ instead of :wq. (On a German keyboard, you have to press Shift to get the colon :.) Vim will then complain that WQ is Not an editor command.

Is there some way to make W and Q editor commands?

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 :command WQ wq
 :command Wq wq
 :command W w
 :command Q q

This way you can define your own commands. See :help command for more information.


Alternative way to do it:

Use 'command abbreviations'

:ca WQ wq

And you can use

:cmap WQ wq

as well. E.g. I have

cmap h tab help

in my .vimrc which means opening help pages in a new tab.

Thanks for the tip Jim Stewart:

But here is a much better solution as the above (for the help mapping, so that it only applies when you do :h):

cnoreabbrev <expr> h getcmdtype() == ":" && getcmdline() == "h" ? "tab h" : "h"
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