
How can I get dm-rails to play well with the rest of the Rails 3.2 stack?

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The DM 1.3 beta seems to work with 3.2.1, at least for the demo dm_rails app.

I had to comment out two "active_record" lines in config/environments/development.rb

To update to the 1.3 beta I deleted my Gemfile.lock file, specified the git repository for each dm gem (below), and then ran a bundle install.

gem 'dm-core', git: ''
gem 'dm-active_model', git: ''
gem 'dm-validations', git: ''
gem 'dm-rails', git: ''
gem 'dm-migrations', git: ''
gem 'dm-types', git: ''
gem 'dm-constraints', git: ''
gem 'dm-transactions', git: ''
gem 'dm-aggregates', git: ''
gem 'dm-timestamps', git: ''
gem 'dm-observer', git: ''

gem 'dm-do-adapter', git: ''
gem 'dm-sqlite-adapter', git: ''

After that, the sample project worked fine.


Until DataMapper 1.3 is ready with ActiveReload support, you can add the following to your config/environments/development.rb to keep reloading the models the old way:

config.reload_classes_only_on_change = false
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