
I want to preg_match [200932] this from a string.
I tryied some pattern but didnt help, any idea?

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Your question is very vague but I think you probably forgot to escape the square brackets. They denote a character class in RegEx.

preg_match('/\[200932\]/', $str, $matches);

If you were to use /[200932]/ it would mean "2 or 0 or 9 or 3".


To capture numbers between square brackets:



\[    A square bracket
(     Start capturing group
 \d+  A digit, 1 or more times
)     End capturing group
\]     A closing square bracket


not sure if I understand your question right, but here is it anyway:


You tried: #[([.])]#

Try this: \[([0-9]*)\]

(Without the * the string matches only one digit and you used . which matches on all chars even a,b,c,- or /)

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