
MvcContrib GridModel : Is it possible to do ActionSyntax in a GridModel I've read this article and it's quite useful but I can't apply this. I don't know if in the newest MVCContrib, they removed the ".Action()" because somehow I cannot access this.

Is there someway i can put the ActionLink of the edit link into a grid model?

Thank you

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It seems that the old method has been removed.

Here's how to do it now:


First, you pass the Html object into the gridmodel class through the constructor, then you can use it from within the gridmodel class.

Imports MvcContrib.UI.Grid

Public Class PersonGridModel
    Inherits GridModel(Of Person)

    Public Sub New(ByVal html as HtmlHelper)
        Column.For(Function(u) html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", "Person", New With {.id = u.PersonId}, Nothing)).DoNotEncode()
    End Sub
End Class

Then, in your view you pass it through the constructor:

<%=Html.Grid(Model).WithModel(New MemberRetentionTrackingSystem.InboundCallGridViewModel(Html))%>



public class PersonGridModel : GridModel {
    public PersonGridModel(HtmlHelper html) {
        Column.For(u => html.ActionLink(“Edit”, “Edit”, “Person”)).DoNotEncode();


< %= Html.Grid(ViewData.Model).WithModel(new PersonGridModel(Html)) %>

REFERENCE: (see comment from Amitabh)


As a side note, more recent change, .DoNotEncode() is deprecated now, so use .Encode(false)

First, big thank you to @Andrew for his answer: Amitabh's question and Skinner's answer really solved my doubt. Anyway with ASP.NET MVC 4 I had a hard time trying to figure out why this in a Grid Model wasn't working:

Column.For(hospital => html.ActionLink("View Details", "Show", "Foo")).Encode(false);

Why? Because I wasn't adding the necessary using directive:

using System.Web.Mvc.Html;

I had only this using suggested by Visual Studio Intellisense:

using System.Web.Mvc;

Hope it helps anyone facing the same problem!

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