
For example I have some text in ace-editor and a list of ranges of rows and lines in text where highlightings should happened. Like this (they're bolded):

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh.

How to highlight these words by using ace-editor API?

How to highlight multiple lines?

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Finally I've got the answer.

Highlight the word:

var range = new Range(rowStart, columnStart, rowEnd, columnEnd);
var marker = editor.getSession().addMarker(range,"ace_selected_word", "text");

Remove the highlighted word:


Highlight the line:

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