
In CraftyJS, how do i stop my player entity from clipping into other entities?

This is my object:

        Crafty.c("Mushroom", {
        init: function() {
            this.collision(new Crafty.polygon([[8,8],[24,8],[24,24],[8,24]]));

    var mushroom = Crafty.e("2D, canvas, mushroomRed, Mushroom")
    .attr({x: 200, y: 150, z:1, w: 32, h: 32});

and this is my player onHit:

.onhit("mushroomRed", function() {
            this.x += this._speed;

It works only when i approach it from certain angle, otherwise, it goes haywire.


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It looks like you are using

this.x += this._speed;

to move the player away from the mushroom after they have collided. But as you are only moving it in the x direction it wont work if you collide from top or bottom. Is that your problem?

If you use the Multiway or Fourway components you could do this instead:

.bind('Moved', function(from) {
        this.attr({x: from.x, y:from.y});

Edit: complete example

// Init Crafty:

var player = Crafty.e("2D, Canvas, Color, player, Multiway, Collision")
   .attr({x: 0, y: 0, w: 50, h: 50})
   .multiway(3, {UP_ARROW: -90, DOWN_ARROW: 90, RIGHT_ARROW: 0, LEFT_ARROW: 180})
   .bind('Moved', function(from) {
           this.attr({x: from.x, y:from.y});

var mushroom = Crafty.e("2D, Canvas, mushroomRed, Color")
    .attr({x: 200, y: 150, z:1, w: 32, h: 32})

Running at

This is using the latest version of Crafty 0.4.5. There has been a few breaking changes and a lot of improvements, so i would suggest you use this version.

Also, feel free to ask in the forums at!forum/craftyjs I think you are much more likely to find help there :-)

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