
I created a QTableView with a QSqlTableModel. By standard, double-clicking on the cells will mark them and the user can edit them. I want, that the user isn't allowed to do that. He is allowed to mark the whole row by clicking on a single cell, but not to edit the cell. How can I do that?

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Depending on whether you are coding everything or doing things in the designer, set

  • editTriggers to QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers
  • selectionBehavior to QAbstractItemView::SelectRows
  • optionally set selectionMode to QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection if you want the user to select exactly one row

on the tableview object the appropriate calls will all be prefixed with set e.g setEditTriggers() in the Designer you can find these option in the AbstractItemView section


Try this:


Toggle off the table item's ItemIsEditable bit. e.g.:

QTableWidgetItem* item = new QTableWidgetItem(...);
item->setFlags(item->flags() &= ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);

Ideally you will want to use:

void QAbstractItemView::setItemDelegate ( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate )

And then create a class that inherits from QItemDelegate like in this example. Editing your class to have

QWidget * QItemDelegate::createEditor ( QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const  

return NULL

or use:


You will also want to look at

void setSelectionBehavior ( QAbstractItemView::SelectionBehavior behavior )

With the parameter: QAbstractItemView::SelectRows

For reference:

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