
Looking for a good rss/feed reader for windows or if there are any good cross platforms one i would be really amazed, or good web services (dont like the google one).

I want something simplistic and minimalistic.

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I like the NewsGator family of tools ( I mostly use the Mac and web-based versions, but thought FeedDemon was good, too, for the Windows environment. All keep a common subscription list, so you can bounce back and forth as needed.


I wouldn't call it minimalistic, but FeedDemon is the best I've found for Windows.

I am using Google reader and quite happy with it. Its browser based but has good keyboard support. Check

I use Net Vibes it's an online Rss collator that allows you to split your feeds up into multiple topics. I used to use Thunderbird but I can access netvibes from wherever I am. I can also set it up to keep track of my email and social networking sites as there are a bunch of widgets available for it.

Some people enjoy RSS Bandit, but I'm on a Mac now so I'm not sure how current it is.

Outlook 2007

Attensa (can plug into outlook 2003)


Internet explorer 8

Mozilla Firefox

I am yet to find a good free windows rss reader with decent offline capabilities

Check out GreatNews

I am using Wizz RSS, a Firefox plugin. Works ok. I am using mainly to access Sun Java forums.

Y Use A Rss Reader,,, When You Can get the articles.. Go To The Link


If you have a Google account already, seriously consider Google Reader. It's available everywhere, with Gears installed it is available offline and binds well to Firefox and Chrome.

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