
My tablet app has to display a very large image (2500x6000) and allow the user to pan across, zoom in & out. Since it can't fit into memory I've broken it into tiles and am loading those as needed. The problem I'm running into is that whenever I unload or replace a bitmap I cause garbage collection which pauses my app with noticeable stutter. I was wondering if anyone had come up with any clever ways to work around this? I create my bitmaps using BitmapFactory.decodeResource. I've tried replacing the same bitmap but garbage collection still runs (assuming it dumps the old bitmap and replaces it with a new one).


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Figured out the answer! In API11+ BitmapFactory.Options has an attribute called inBitmap which will reuse the bitmap when loading content. I've implemented it as such:

mBg[i] = Bitmap.createBitmap(800, 1232, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
mBgOptions[i] = new BitmapFactory.Options();
mBgOptions[i].inBitmap = mBg[i];
mBgOptions[i].inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
mBgOptions[i].inMutable = true;
mBgOptions[i].inSampleSize = 1;

The garbage collector no longer runs and the pauses have been removed. As an f.y.i, inSampleSize has to be set or it won't work.


If you are targeting Android 3.0 then this answer may help:

Pre-Android 3.0 you could build an HTML page of your tiled images and let the built-in browser handle the load and unload of the images. My answer here has some more details:

Anyone else have any alternative approaches?

Are you using android:largeHeap="true"? That might reduce the frequency of GCs. Also given you are targeting tablets, then you can safely assume that you are dealing with a concurrent garbage collector. So it will work best if it has more, smaller chunks of memory to collect, i.e. smaller tiles.

I used this easy to integerate source of WorldMap application:

This uses a huge image of a world map, and uses cache to display a map.

To integerate, I just copied all the java files (5 i guess) and used the surfaceView in my layout file. Then I went through the small OnCreate() method of and used the code in my activity (with sligh alteration, depending on my personal use).

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