
I have a Windows server running Subversion internal server (1 window service per repository on a port). I'm planning to add a bug tracker so that I can use Mylyn on eclipse effectively.

Bugzilla? Seems hard to install on Windows

Trac? Does it work well on Windows?

Thank you

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JIRA works very well there.


Trac on windows ( should be fine, but you'll need to install Python, Genshi and Setuptools, see:

FogBugz works just fine on Windows: FogBugz 7.0 Online Help: Windows system requirements

The Mantis issue tracker is PHP-based and works nicely on Windows. The Mantis connector is actively developed and functions quite well.

We're using Bitnami's Redmine Stack (a single-installer for the whole Redmine package, including Apache), along with the nascent Redmine/Mylyn server-side plugin and Eclipse.

It's too early to tell how well this all really works, but Redmine has so many other useful features (such as a Redmine TortoiseSVN plugin), we're bound to use it. If Mylyn works as well, that's a bonus. Obviously we're new to Mylyn and not dependent on it, although it looks extremely useful.

In my opinion, Redmine is much more functional than the other systems mentioned here. I do not have extensive experience with them, however, so take that with a grain of salt. It absolutely warrants a close look.

If you're going to go with an open source solution I'd suggest Bugzilla. I've installed Bugzilla in a Windows and a Unix environment and found it to be reasonably easy to install in both cases. The Bugzilla Mylyn Connector is one of the most-used Mylyn connectors and thus is extremely reliable. I've used the Bugzilla Mylyn Connector personally to connect to my main development server for about 2.5 years and I have been very satisfied with this connector.

The Trac Connector is also robust. I have recently encountered users who have had problems with it, although I believe these problems are edge cases (bug 1236). As some others suggest, there are several other options (e.g., FogBugz and Mantis). I have not had much experience with these servers personally but have heard positive reviews of both connectors and both are actively maintained.

Hope this helps!

David C. Shepherd, Tasktop Technologies

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