Has anybody seen a good open source Prolog implementation of the SATCHMO theorem prover?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9189246

  •  27-04-2021
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I've seen quite a few papers on the SATCHMO theorem prover that talk about Prolog implementations. But the only source code implementation I've found so far was in a book and it was really limited and meant only for giving an example of how rules were evaluated and fired. Has anybody seen a good open source implementation of SATCHMO in Prolog?

Note, I am not referring to the Python language tool for Django called Satchmo, which is why I did not include Satchmo in the tags since that is what Stack Overflow shows as the dominant definition for that tag.

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I somehow knew that I would regret it some day when I chucked all the papers that I had collected for my master thesis into the bin a month ago. Since my thesis was about extending SATCHMO with constraints, there were a few papers on SATCHMO showing different implementations...

Anyway, a good point to start would be here: Software Collection of the Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen, LMU Munich. One of the professors, Francois Bry, was one of the developers of SATCHMO, and his unit did quite a bit of work on extending it in different directions. Have a look at the Compiling SATCHMO. The people at the PMS institute should be able to clarify if you can use the code for non-academic work. For academic work, it should be no problem.

For an overview on all things SATCHMO (although a few years old already), you can use this bibliography: Variations on a Theme


The first paper on Satchmo (also listed in the above mentioned "Variations on a Theme") is

Rainer Manthey and François Bry. SATCHMO: A Theorem Prover Implemented in Prolog. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automated Deduction, pages 415–434. Springer-Verlag, 1988.

The paper presents several Prolog implementations of Satchmo and discusses their merits. Also given are some examples. Here is a Satchmo version that I used as the start point of my reasoner RACE for Attempto Controlled English:

:- op(1200, xfx, '--->').
:- unknown(_, fail).

satisfiable :-
  setof(Clause, violated_instance(Clause), Clauses),

violated_instance((B ---> H)) :-
  (B ---> H),
  \+ H.


satisfy_all([(_B ---> H) | RestClauses]) :-
satisfy_all([(_B ---> H) | RestClauses]) :-

satisfy((A,B)) :-

satisfy((A;B)) :-
  (satisfy(A) ; satisfy(B)).  

satisfy(Atom) :-
  \+ Atom = untrue,
    predicate_property(Atom, built_in)

assume(Atom) :-
%  nl, write(['Asserting  ': Atom]),

assume(Atom) :-
%  nl, write(['Retracting ': Atom]),
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